
Posts Tagged ‘OCD’

My parents have finally made THIER big move into our previous home in Bayside. My brother’s away on a missions trip to Mexico (praise God!) during the move so I went over to help out with putting his new room (the whole basement!)  together while he’s gone. I thought he’d appreciate coming home from his trip to an organized room.

Some of my findings while unpacking his things were just unnerving. Just as I am my mother’s daughter, he is DEFINITELY just another product of her OCD tendencies..  Yes, I blame my mother for both our psychoses.

his collection of 4 computer mice. 4 of which he DOES NOT USE.
8 incomplete decks of cards. why?
collection of receipts from items purchased 6 months ago, movie ticket stubs and other crazy things that really have no business being saved
these are only half the amount of pens he has in his collection

this boy needs help. so do i. so does mom.

oh boy.

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